Saturday, November 15, 2014

IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP...We're nearly out of TIME!

Mr. Schaeffer Cox of Alaska was thinking of 'US' when he was talking..

He wasn't AGAINST the ILLEGAL government..he was just helping US to organize and become 'self' sufficient both mentally and financially.

More of Schaeffer's videos can be found on YouTube by searching his name.

After his devotion and care for OUR futures.. the FBI saw a clear path in which to FRAME Schaeffer
who is now being sentences to 26 years for NOTHING.

Please express your views on this!
Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I see you have been reading about Anna Von Reitz. I have just come across this info. I am on Got Freedom site, with others like yourself. Check us out got Take care.
